

如果只想查询某些特定的属性,而不加载模型的所有字段值,使用 attributes 选项:

  attributes: ['foo', 'bar']
SELECT foo, bar ...


  attributes: ['foo', ['bar', 'baz']]
SELECT foo, bar as baz ...

你还可以使用 sequelize.fn 进行聚合:

  attributes: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('hats')), 'no_hats']]
SELECT COUNT(hats) AS no_hats ...

当你使用聚合函数时,你必须提供一个用于访问其值的的别名,在上面的示例中,我们可以以下面这样的方式获取 hats 的数量:



// This is a tiresome way of getting the number of hats...
  attributes: ['id', 'foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'quz', [sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('hats')), 'no_hats']]

// This is shorter, and less error prone because it still works if you add / remove attributes
  attributes: { include: [[sequelize.fn('COUNT', sequelize.col('hats')), 'no_hats']] }
SELECT id, foo, bar, baz, quz, COUNT(hats) AS no_hats ...


  attributes: { exclude: ['baz'] }
SELECT id, foo, bar, quz ...

Where 查询

当你进行 findfindAll 查询或者批量 update 或者 destroys 时,可以添加一个 where 查询对象,该对象可以包含多个 key: value 对,而 value 可以直接是值或者一个操作对象,在 where 查询中,还可以使用 $or$and


  where: {
    authorId: 2
// SELECT * FROM post WHERE authorId = 2

  where: {
    authorId: 12,
    status: 'active'
// SELECT * FROM post WHERE authorId = 12 AND status = 'active';

  where: {
    status: 'inactive'
// DELETE FROM post WHERE status = 'inactive';

  updatedAt: null,
}, {
  where: {
    deletedAt: {
      $ne: null
// UPDATE post SET updatedAt = null WHERE deletedAt NOT NULL;

  where: sequelize.where(sequelize.fn('char_length', sequelize.col('status')), 6)
// SELECT * FROM post WHERE char_length(status) = 6;


$and: {a: 5}           // AND (a = 5)
$or: [{a: 5}, {a: 6}]  // (a = 5 OR a = 6)
$gt: 6,                // > 6
$gte: 6,               // >= 6
$lt: 10,               // < 10
$lte: 10,              // <= 10
$ne: 20,               // != 20
$eq: 3,                // = 3
$not: true,            // IS NOT TRUE
$between: [6, 10],     // BETWEEN 6 AND 10
$notBetween: [11, 15], // NOT BETWEEN 11 AND 15
$in: [1, 2],           // IN [1, 2]
$notIn: [1, 2],        // NOT IN [1, 2]
$like: '%hat',         // LIKE '%hat'
$notLike: '%hat'       // NOT LIKE '%hat'
$iLike: '%hat'         // ILIKE '%hat' (case insensitive) (PG only)
$notILike: '%hat'      // NOT ILIKE '%hat'  (PG only)
$regexp: '^[h|a|t]'    // REGEXP/~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
$notRegexp: '^[h|a|t]' // NOT REGEXP/!~ '^[h|a|t]' (MySQL/PG only)
$iRegexp: '^[h|a|t]'    // ~* '^[h|a|t]' (PG only)
$notIRegexp: '^[h|a|t]' // !~* '^[h|a|t]' (PG only)
$like: { $any: ['cat', 'hat']}
                       // LIKE ANY ARRAY['cat', 'hat'] - also works for iLike and notLike
$overlap: [1, 2]       // && [1, 2] (PG array overlap operator)
$contains: [1, 2]      // @> [1, 2] (PG array contains operator)
$contained: [1, 2]     // <@ [1, 2] (PG array contained by operator)
$any: [2,3]            // ANY ARRAY[2, 3]::INTEGER (PG only)

$col: 'user.organization_id' // = "user"."organization_id", with dialect specific column identifiers, PG in this example



// All the above equality and inequality operators plus the following:

$contains: 2           // @> '2'::integer (PG range contains element operator)
$contains: [1, 2]      // @> [1, 2) (PG range contains range operator)
$contained: [1, 2]     // <@ [1, 2) (PG range is contained by operator)
$overlap: [1, 2]       // && [1, 2) (PG range overlap (have points in common) operator)
$adjacent: [1, 2]      // -|- [1, 2) (PG range is adjacent to operator)
$strictLeft: [1, 2]    // << [1, 2) (PG range strictly left of operator)
$strictRight: [1, 2]   // >> [1, 2) (PG range strictly right of operator)
$noExtendRight: [1, 2] // &< [1, 2) (PG range does not extend to the right of operator)
$noExtendLeft: [1, 2]  // &> [1, 2) (PG range does not extend to the left of operator)


  rank: {
    $or: {
      $lt: 1000,
      $eq: null
// rank < 1000 OR rank IS NULL

  createdAt: {
    $lt: new Date(),
    $gt: new Date(new Date() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)
// createdAt < [timestamp] AND createdAt > [timestamp]

  $or: [
      title: {
        $like: 'Boat%'
      description: {
        $like: '%boat%'
// title LIKE 'Boat%' OR description LIKE '%boat%'


JSONB 可以通过三种方式查询:


  meta: {
    video: {
      url: {
        $ne: null


  "meta.audio.length": {
    $gt: 20


  "meta": {
    $contains: {
      site: {
        url: 'http://google.com'


// Find all projects with a least one task where task.state === project.state
    include: [{
        model: Task,
        where: { state: Sequelize.col('project.state') }


// Fetch 10 instances/rows
Project.findAll({ limit: 10 })

// Skip 8 instances/rows
Project.findAll({ offset: 8 })

// Skip 5 instances and fetch the 5 after that
Project.findAll({ offset: 5, limit: 5 })


order 可以通过一个数组接收多个排序方式:

  order: [
    // Will escape username and validate DESC against a list of valid direction parameters
    ['title', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by max(age)
    sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('age')),

    // Will order by max(age) DESC
    [sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('age')), 'DESC'],

    // Will order by  otherfunction(`col1`, 12, 'lalala') DESC
    [sequelize.fn('otherfunction', sequelize.col('col1'), 12, 'lalala'), 'DESC'],

    // Will order an associated model's created_at using the model name as the association's name.
    [Task, 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order through an associated model's created_at using the model names as the associations' names.
    [Task, Project, 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by an associated model's created_at using the name of the association.
    ['Task', 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by a nested associated model's created_at using the names of the associations.
    ['Task', 'Project', 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by an associated model's created_at using an association object. (preferred method)
    [Subtask.associations.Task, 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by a nested associated model's created_at using association objects. (preferred method)
    [Subtask.associations.Task, Task.associations.Project, 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by an associated model's created_at using a simple association object.
    [{model: Task, as: 'Task'}, 'createdAt', 'DESC'],

    // Will order by a nested associated model's created_at simple association objects.
    [{model: Task, as: 'Task'}, {model: Project, as: 'Project'}, 'createdAt', 'DESC']

  // Will order by max age descending
  order: sequelize.literal('max(age) DESC')

  // Will order by max age ascending assuming ascending is the default order when direction is omitted
  order: sequelize.fn('max', sequelize.col('age'))

  // Will order by age ascending assuming ascending is the default order when direction is omitted
  order: sequelize.col('age')

results matching ""

    No results matching ""