
本章节将主要讨论如果在 Sequelize 中创建各种关联关系,当我们调用 User.hasOne(Project) 时,就表示 User 模型为,而 Project目标




BelongsTo 关联表示的是外键关联至 模型上的关联关系,在下面的简单示例中,有一个 Player 将属于某一个 Team

const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */});
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/* attributes */});

Player.belongsTo(Team); // 这将会在 `Player` 模型上添加一个名为 `teamId` 的字段,以表示它属于哪个 `Team`


默认情况下, belongsTo 会自动创建一个格式为目标模型名称+目标模型主键名称的新名称,作为外键名称,默认的,使用的命名方式为 camelCase ,当然,如果你设置模型的 underscored: true,那么名称将为 snake_case 方式。

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company); // 将会添加 companyId 至 User

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */}, {underscored: true})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {
  uuid: {
    type: Sequelize.UUID,
    primaryKey: true

User.belongsTo(Company); // 将会添加 company_uuid 至 User

当定义了 as 属性时,其值将作为目标模型的别名。

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const UserRole  = this.sequelize.define('userRole', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(UserRole, {as: 'role'}); // 添加 roleId 至 User (而并不是 userRoleId)

当然,我们并不总是所有时候都使用自动添加的键名,通过 foreignKey 选项即可自定义外键名称。

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company, {foreignKey: 'fk_company'}); // 添加 fk_company 至用户

目标键(Target Key)

目标键就是目标模型中被用于关联的那个键,默认的, belongsTo 会使用目标模型的主键,但是你同样也可以自定义使用其它键:

const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {/* attributes */})
const Company  = this.sequelize.define('company', {/* attributes */});

User.belongsTo(Company, {foreignKey: 'fk_companyname', targetKey: 'name'}); // 添加 fk_companyname 至 User


const User = sequelize.define('user', {/* ... */})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {/* ... */})

// 单向关联

 * 在本例中, `hasOne` 将添加一个名为 `projectId` 的属性至 `User` 模型,
 * 另外,`Project.prototype` 将自动获得两个方法:`getUser` 以及 `setUser`。
 * 如果你启用了 `underscore`,那么字段名称将为 `project_id`。
 * 外键将保存在 `users` 数据表,当然,你同样还可以定义外键名称,比如:
Project.hasOne(User, { foreignKey: 'initiator_id' })

 * Sequelize 会使用模型的名称作为被关联的模型的访问,但你同样可以使用别名重新定义
 * 它:

Project.hasOne(User, { as: 'Initiator' })
// 现在,你将得到两个访问访问名为:`Project.getInitiator` 与 `Project.setInitiator`

// 或者,让我们定义一些自关联
const Person = sequelize.define('person', { /* ... */})

Person.hasOne(Person, {as: 'Father'})
// 此时会添加 `fatherId` 与 `Person` 模型。

// 同样的,可以这产:
Person.hasOne(Person, {as: 'Father', foreignKey: 'DadId'})
// 现在会添加 `dadId` 至 `Person`

// 在上面两个方式,你都可以访问

// 同时,你还可以将一个模型多次关联至另一个模型
Team.hasOne(Game, {as: 'HomeTeam', foreignKey : 'homeTeamId'});
Team.hasOne(Game, {as: 'AwayTeam', foreignKey : 'awayTeamId'});


虽然很多时候,我们将 1:1 关联称之为 HasOne 关联,但是通常都会使用 belongsTo ,因为 belongsTo 会将外键保存在源模型中,而 hasOne 则将外键保存在目标模型中。

HasOneBelongsTo 之间的区别

在 Sequelize 中,1:1 关联可以使用 belongsTohasOne ,但是它们之间适应的场景还是有区别的,下面我们来了解一下下什么时候该使用什么方式 :

现在假设我们有两个数据表 PlayerTeam

const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */})
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/* attributes */});

当我们关联这两个数据模型时,可以将它们称之为 目标,比如:

Player 当作 ,同时将 Team 当作 目标

// 或

或者将 Team 当作 ,而把 Player 当作 目标

// 或

HasOne and BelongsTo insert the association key in different models from each other. HasOne inserts the association key in target model whereas BelongsTo inserts the association key in the source model.

Here is an example demonstrating use cases of BelongsTo and HasOne.

const Player = this.sequelize.define('player', {/* attributes */})
const Coach  = this.sequelize.define('coach', {/* attributes */})
const Team  = this.sequelize.define('team', {/* attributes */});

Suppose our Player model has information about its team as teamId column. Information about each Team's Coach is stored in the Team model as coachId column. These both scenarios requires different kind of 1:1 relation because foreign key relation is present on different models each time.

When information about association is present in source model we can use belongsTo. In this case Player is suitable for belongsTo because it has teamId column.

Player.belongsTo(Team)  // `teamId` will be added on Player / Source model

When information about association is present in target model we can use hasOne. In this case Coach is suitable for hasOne because Team model store information about its Coach as coachId field.

Coach.hasOne(Team)  // `coachId` will be added on Team / Target model



const User = sequelize.define('user', {/* ... */})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {/* ... */})

// 现在让我们定义一个 `hasMany` 关联
Project.hasMany(User, {as: 'Workers'})

在上面的代码片段中,我们将添加 project_id 或者 projectId 至用户,所有的 Project 实例都将有 getWorkers 以及 setWorkers 方法。


const City = sequelize.define('city', { countryCode: Sequelize.STRING });
const Country = sequelize.define('country', { isoCode: Sequelize.STRING });

// 下面我们可以通过 `countryCode` 独步 `Country` 与 `City`
Country.hasMany(City, {foreignKey: 'countryCode', sourceKey: 'isoCode'});
City.belongsTo(Country, {foreignKey: 'countryCode', targetKey: 'isoCode'});

属于多个的关联 (Belongs-To-Many)

Belongs-To-Many 关联多个源与多个目标。

Project.belongsToMany(User, {through: 'UserProject'});
User.belongsToMany(Project, {through: 'UserProject'});

这会自动创建一个名为 UserProject 的模型,该模型将存在两个字段:projectIduserId,属性是否是 camelCase 取决于被关联的这两个模型的设置。

through 参数则是 必须 的。

上面的定义,会自动添加 getUserssetUsersaddUseraddUsersProject 模型,同时还会添加 getProjectssetProjectsaddProject 以及 addProjectsUsers 模型。


User.belongsToMany(Project, { as: 'Tasks', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'userId' })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { as: 'Workers', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'projectId' })

foreignKey 将允许你设置 源模型throught 关联中的键,otherKey 允许你设置 目标模型 的键。

User.belongsToMany(Project, { as: 'Tasks', through: 'worker_tasks', foreignKey: 'userId', otherKey: 'projectId'})


Person.belongsToMany(Person, { as: 'Children', through: 'PersonChildren' })
// This will create the table PersonChildren which stores the ids of the objects.


const User = sequelize.define('user', {})
const Project = sequelize.define('project', {})
const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
    status: DataTypes.STRING

User.belongsToMany(Project, { through: UserProjects })
Project.belongsToMany(User, { through: UserProjects })

这个时候,如果说我们要给用户添加一个项目,同时设置该关联关系的状态为 started,可以这样:

user.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'started' }})

By default the code above will add projectId and userId to the UserProjects table, and remove any previously defined primary key attribute - the table will be uniquely identified by the combination of the keys of the two tables, and there is no reason to have other PK columns. To enforce a primary key on the UserProjects model you can add it manually.

const UserProjects = sequelize.define('userProjects', {
  id: {
    type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
    primaryKey: true,
    autoIncrement: true
  status: DataTypes.STRING

With Belongs-To-Many you can query based on through relation and select specific attributes. For example using findAll with through

  include: [{
    model: Project,
    through: {
      attributes: ['createdAt', 'startedAt', 'finishedAt'],
      where: {completed: true}


This section concerns association scopes. For a definition of association scopes vs. scopes on associated models, see Scopes.

Association scopes allow you to place a scope (a set of default attributes for get and create) on the association. Scopes can be placed both on the associated model (the target of the association), and on the through table for n:m relations.


Assume we have tables Comment, Post, and Image. A comment can be associated to either an image or a post via commentable_id and commentable - we say that Post and Image are Commentable

const Comment = this.sequelize.define('comment', {
  title: Sequelize.STRING,
  commentable: Sequelize.STRING,
  commentable_id: Sequelize.INTEGER

Comment.prototype.getItem = function() {
  return this['get' + this.get('commentable').substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + this.get('commentable').substr(1)]();

Post.hasMany(this.Comment, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  scope: {
    commentable: 'post'
Comment.belongsTo(this.Post, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  as: 'post'

Image.hasMany(this.Comment, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  scope: {
    commentable: 'image'
Comment.belongsTo(this.Image, {
  foreignKey: 'commentable_id',
  constraints: false,
  as: 'image'

constraints: false, disables references constraints - since the commentable_id column references several tables, we cannot add a REFERENCES constraint to it. Note that the Image -> Comment and Post -> Comment relations define a scope, commentable: 'image' and commentable: 'post' respectively. This scope is automatically applied when using the association functions:

SELECT * FROM comments WHERE commentable_id = 42 AND commentable = 'image';
  title: 'Awesome!'
INSERT INTO comments (title, commentable_id, commentable) VALUES ('Awesome!', 42, 'image');
UPDATE comments SET commentable_id = 42, commentable = 'image'

The getItem utility function on Comment completes the picture - it simply converts the commentable string into a call to either getImage or getPost, providing an abstraction over whether a comment belongs to a post or an image.


Continuing with the idea of a polymorphic model, consider a tag table - an item can have multiple tags, and a tag can be related to several items.

For brevity, the example only shows a Post model, but in reality Tag would be related to several other models.

const ItemTag = sequelize.define('item_tag', {
  id : {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    primaryKey: true,
    autoIncrement: true
  tag_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    unique: 'item_tag_taggable'
  taggable: {
    type: DataTypes.STRING,
    unique: 'item_tag_taggable'
  taggable_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    unique: 'item_tag_taggable',
    references: null
const Tag = sequelize.define('tag', {
  name: DataTypes.STRING

Post.belongsToMany(Tag, {
  through: {
    model: ItemTag,
    unique: false,
    scope: {
      taggable: 'post'
  foreignKey: 'taggable_id',
  constraints: false
Tag.belongsToMany(Post, {
  through: {
    model: ItemTag,
    unique: false
  foreignKey: 'tag_id',
  constraints: false

Notice that the scoped column (taggable) is now on the through model (ItemTag).

We could also define a more restrictive association, for example, to get all pending tags for a post by applying a scope of both the through model (ItemTag) and the target model (Tag):

Post.hasMany(Tag, {
  through: {
    model: ItemTag,
    unique: false,
    scope: {
      taggable: 'post'
  scope: {
    status: 'pending'
  as: 'pendingTags',
  foreignKey: 'taggable_id',
  constraints: false

SELECT `tag`.*  INNER JOIN `item_tags` AS `item_tag`
ON `tag`.`id` = `item_tag`.`tagId`
  AND `item_tag`.`taggable_id` = 42
  AND `item_tag`.`taggable` = 'post'
WHERE (`tag`.`status` = 'pending');

constraints: false disables references constraints on the taggable_id column. Because the column is polymorphic, we cannot say that it REFERENCES a specific table.

Naming strategy

By default sequelize will use the model name (the name passed to sequelize.define) to figure out the name of the model when used in associations. For example, a model named user will add the functions get/set/add User to instances of the associated model, and a property named .user in eager loading, while a model named User will add the same functions, but a property named .User (notice the upper case U) in eager loading.

As we've already seen, you can alias models in associations using as. In single associations (has one and belongs to), the alias should be singular, while for many associations (has many) it should be plural. Sequelize then uses the inflection library to convert the alias to its singular form. However, this might not always work for irregular or non-english words. In this case, you can provide both the plural and the singular form of the alias:

User.belongsToMany(Project, { as: { singular: 'task', plural: 'tasks' }})
// Notice that inflection has no problem singularizing tasks, this is just for illustrative purposes.

If you know that a model will always use the same alias in associations, you can provide it when creating the model

const Project = sequelize.define('project', attributes, {
  name: {
    singular: 'task',
    plural: 'tasks',


This will add the functions add/set/get Tasks to user instances.

Remember, that using as to change the name of the association will also change the name of the foreign key. When using as, it is safest to also specify the foreign key.


Without as, this adds subscriptionId as expected. However, if you were to say Invoice.belongsTo(Subscription, { as: 'TheSubscription' }), you will have both subscriptionId and theSubscriptionId, because sequelize is not smart enough to figure that the calls are two sides of the same relation. 'foreignKey' fixes this problem;

Invoice.belongsTo(Subscription, , { as: 'TheSubscription', foreignKey: 'subscription_id' })
Subscription.hasMany(Invoice, { foreignKey: 'subscription_id' )

Associating objects

Because Sequelize is doing a lot of magic, you have to call Sequelize.sync after setting the associations! Doing so will allow you the following:



// save them... and then:
project.setTasks([task1, task2]).then(() => {
  // saved!

// ok, now they are saved... how do I get them later on?
project.getTasks().then(associatedTasks => {
  // associatedTasks is an array of tasks

// You can also pass filters to the getter method.
// They are equal to the options you can pass to a usual finder method.
project.getTasks({ where: 'id > 10' }).then(tasks => {
  // tasks with an id greater than 10 :)

// You can also only retrieve certain fields of a associated object.
project.getTasks({attributes: ['title']}).then(tasks => {
  // retrieve tasks with the attributes "title" and "id"

To remove created associations you can just call the set method without a specific id:

// remove the association with task1
project.setTasks([task2]).then(associatedTasks => {
  // you will get task2 only

// remove 'em all
project.setTasks([]).then(associatedTasks => {
  // you will get an empty array

// or remove 'em more directly
project.removeTask(task1).then(() => {
  // it's gone

// and add 'em again
project.addTask(task1).then(function() {
  // it's back again

You can of course also do it vice versa:

// project is associated with task1 and task2
task2.setProject(null).then(function() {
  // and it's gone

For hasOne/belongsTo its basically the same:

Task.hasOne(User, {as: "Author"})

Adding associations to a relation with a custom join table can be done in two ways (continuing with the associations defined in the previous chapter):

// Either by adding a property with the name of the join table model to the object, before creating the association
project.UserProjects = {
  status: 'active'

// Or by providing a second options.through argument when adding the association, containing the data that should go in the join table
u.addProject(project, { through: { status: 'active' }})

// When associating multiple objects, you can combine the two options above. In this case the second argument
// will be treated as a defaults object, that will be used if no data is provided
project1.UserProjects = {
    status: 'inactive'

u.setProjects([project1, project2], { through: { status: 'active' }})
// The code above will record inactive for project one, and active for project two in the join table

When getting data on an association that has a custom join table, the data from the join table will be returned as a DAO instance:

u.getProjects().then(projects => {
  const project = projects[0]

  if (project.UserProjects.status === 'active') {
    // .. do magic

    // since this is a real DAO instance, you can save it directly after you are done doing magic
    return project.UserProjects.save()

If you only need some of the attributes from the join table, you can provide an array with the attributes you want:

// This will select only name from the Projects table, and only status from the UserProjects table
user.getProjects({ attributes: ['name'], joinTableAttributes: ['status']})

Check associations

You can also check if an object is already associated with another one (N:M only). Here is how you'd do it:

// check if an object is one of associated ones:
Project.create({ /* */ }).then(project => {
  return User.create({ /* */ }).then(user => {
    return project.hasUser(user).then(result => {
      // result would be false
      return project.addUser(user).then(() => {
        return project.hasUser(user).then(result => {
          // result would be true

// check if all associated objects are as expected:
// let's assume we have already a project and two users
project.setUsers([user1, user2]).then(() => {
  return project.hasUsers([user1]);
}).then(result => {
  // result would be false
  return project.hasUsers([user1, user2]);
}).then(result => {
  // result would be true

Foreign Keys

When you create associations between your models in sequelize, foreign key references with constraints will automatically be created. The setup below:

const Task = this.sequelize.define('task', { title: Sequelize.STRING })
const User = this.sequelize.define('user', { username: Sequelize.STRING })


Will generate the following SQL:

  `username` VARCHAR(255)

  `title` VARCHAR(255),

The relation between task and user injects the user_id foreign key on tasks, and marks it as a reference to the User table. By default user_id will be set to NULL if the referenced user is deleted, and updated if the id of the user id updated. These options can be overridden by passing onUpdate and onDelete options to the association calls. The validation options are RESTRICT, CASCADE, NO ACTION, SET DEFAULT, SET NULL.

For 1:1 and 1:m associations the default option is SET NULL for deletion, and CASCADE for updates. For n:m, the default for both is CASCADE. This means, that if you delete or update a row from one side of an n:m association, all the rows in the join table referencing that row will also be deleted or updated.

Adding constraints between tables means that tables must be created in the database in a certain order, when using sequelize.sync. If Task has a reference to User, the User table must be created before the Task table can be created. This can sometimes lead to circular references, where sequelize cannot find an order in which to sync. Imagine a scenario of documents and versions. A document can have multiple versions, and for convenience, a document has an reference to it's current version.

const Document = this.sequelize.define('document', {
  author: Sequelize.STRING
const Version = this.sequelize.define('version', {
  timestamp: Sequelize.DATE

Document.hasMany(Version) // This adds document_id to version
Document.belongsTo(Version, { as: 'Current', foreignKey: 'current_version_id'}) // This adds current_version_id to document

However, the code above will result in the following error: Cyclic dependency found. 'Document' is dependent of itself. Dependency Chain: Document -> Version => Document. In order to alleviate that, we can pass constraints: false to one of the associations:

Document.belongsTo(Version, { as: 'Current', foreignKey: 'current_version_id', constraints: false})

Which will allow us to sync the tables correctly:

  `author` VARCHAR(255),
  `current_version_id` INTEGER
  `timestamp` DATETIME,

Enforcing a foreign key reference without constraints

Sometimes you may want to reference another table, without adding any constraints, or associations. In that case you can manually add the reference attributes to your schema definition, and mark the relations between them.

// Series has a trainer_id=Trainer.id foreign reference key after we call Trainer.hasMany(series)
const Series = sequelize.define('series', {
  title:        DataTypes.STRING,
  sub_title:    DataTypes.STRING,
  description:  DataTypes.TEXT,

  // Set FK relationship (hasMany) with `Trainer`
  trainer_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: {
      model: "trainers",
      key: "id"

const Trainer = sequelize.define('trainer', {
  first_name: DataTypes.STRING,
  last_name:  DataTypes.STRING

// Video has a series_id=Series.id foreign reference key after we call Series.hasOne(Video)...
const Video = sequelize.define('video', {
  title:        DataTypes.STRING,
  sequence:     DataTypes.INTEGER,
  description:  DataTypes.TEXT,

  // set relationship (hasOne) with `Series`
  series_id: {
    type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
    references: {
      model: Series, // Can be both a string representing the table name, or a reference to the model
      key:   "id"


Creating with associations

An instance can be created with nested association in one step, provided all elements are new.

Creating elements of a "BelongsTo", "Has Many" or "HasOne" association

Consider the following models:

const Product = this.sequelize.define('product', {
  title: Sequelize.STRING
const User = this.sequelize.define('user', {
  first_name: Sequelize.STRING,
  last_name: Sequelize.STRING
const Address = this.sequelize.define('address', {
  type: Sequelize.STRING,
  line_1: Sequelize.STRING,
  line_2: Sequelize.STRING,
  city: Sequelize.STRING,
  state: Sequelize.STRING,
  zip: Sequelize.STRING,

const Product.User = Product.belongsTo(User);
const User.Addresses = User.hasMany(Address);
// Also works for `hasOne`

A new Product, User, and one or more Address can be created in one step in the following way:

return Product.create({
  title: 'Chair',
  user: {
    first_name: 'Mick',
    last_name: 'Broadstone',
    addresses: [{
      type: 'home',
      line_1: '100 Main St.',
      city: 'Austin',
      state: 'TX',
      zip: '78704'
}, {
  include: [{
    association: Product.User,
    include: [ User.Addresses ]

Here, our user model is called user, with a lowercase u - This means that the property in the object should also be user. If the name given to sequelize.define was User, the key in the object should also be User. Likewise for addresses, except it's pluralized being a hasMany association.

Creating elements of a "BelongsTo" association with an alias

The previous example can be extended to support an association alias.

const Creator = Product.belongsTo(User, {as: 'creator'});

return Product.create({
  title: 'Chair',
  creator: {
    first_name: 'Matt',
    last_name: 'Hansen'
}, {
  include: [ Creator ]

Creating elements of a "HasMany" or "BelongsToMany" association

Let's introduce the ability to associate a product with many tags. Setting up the models could look like:

const Tag = this.sequelize.define('tag', {
  name: Sequelize.STRING

// Also works for `belongsToMany`.

Now we can create a product with multiple tags in the following way:

  id: 1,
  title: 'Chair',
  tags: [
    { name: 'Alpha'},
    { name: 'Beta'}
}, {
  include: [ Tag ]

And, we can modify this example to support an alias as well:

const Categories = Product.hasMany(Tag, {as: 'categories'});

  id: 1,
  title: 'Chair',
  categories: [
    {id: 1, name: 'Alpha'},
    {id: 2, name: 'Beta'}
}, {
  include: [{
    model: Categories,
    as: 'categories'

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    No results matching ""